31 Des 2011

Download Trio Burulu (27-12-11): Cak Jus Nyewa Motor

Khusus buat sampeyan-sampeyan Arek Suroboyo, penggemar acara banyolan Trio Burulu yang belum sempat nyetel karena sibuk atau mungkin yang jauh di sana dan merindu suasana Suroboyo, jari-jemari saya memiliki sesuatu buat sampeyan. Ini kali pertama jari-jemari ini mengupload siaran Trio Burulu berupa format mp3.

Untuk edisi kali pertama ini Pak Jus yang nyenengi Titin pengen ngajak Titin tahun baruan. Tapi Titin nggak mau karena Pak Jus ngga punya motor. Nggak kurang akal Pak Jus nyewa motor demi mewujudkan keinginannya ngajak Titin. Bagaimana kisahnya? Monggo disedot di sini … dan selamat ngakak

30 Des 2011

Selamat Datang 2012... Satu Lagi Tulisan Asal Saat Iseng

Tahun baru... sebuah momen yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu. Stasiun TV baik yang lokal ataupun interlokal, eh maksudnya di sini stasiun TV nasional, menyiapkan berbagai acara hiburan dengan menampilkan jajaran artis ternama. Mereka berlomba-lomba menyajikan beragam acara terbaik mereka.. Bagaimana caranya agar mata penonton melotot memandangi layar TV.. Setelah itu bagaimana caranya agar penonton nggak memencet tombol channel pada remote...

29 Des 2011

Bubur Merah Selamatan Weton

Sepiring bubur merah siap disantap :) ...
Selamatan - orang Jawa mengatakan “bancakan” - weton dilakukan tepat pada hari weton. Weton merupakan kombinasi hari penanggalan masehi dan hari penanggalan Jawa. Kalau penanggalan masehi punya hari Minggu – Sabtu, penanggalan Jawa mengenal istilah “pasaran” yang terdiri dari: Pon, Wage, Kliwon, Legi, Pahing.

27 Des 2011

Natuna Island, The Beauty at Border Line

Natuna Islands, located at the northern tip of Indonesia. Bunguran, Jemaja, and Serasan island are the three largest islands in this archipelago. Natuna Islands was a district in Riau Islands Province, with capital Ranai Bunguran Island.

26 Des 2011

The Beauty of Natural Beaches in Pacitan

Pacitan has a very varied landscape, this town has beaches and mountains; the city called the city bowl because it is surrounded by mountains and hills. It lies on the southern coast of Java Island. It has exotic and virgin beaches, white sand, has big waves and lots of steep reefs. Beach Srau and Klayer are some very exotic beaches.

24 Des 2011

Tips Memasang Kasa Nyamuk

Kasa nyamuk.

Sodara... Indonesia yang beriklim tropis, memiliki ciri khas – salah satunya – banyak nyamuk. Fakta ini melegenda hingga mengilhami sebuah lagu Jawa...
“Jeng-jing kapal udara... numpak sepur mudhun Jakarta... Jakarta akeh nyamuk'e...”
[Indonesia: jeng-jing pesawat... naik kereta api turun Jakarta... Jakarta banyak nyamuknya...]

22 Des 2011

Stone Jumping in Nias... do you ready to be a real man?

One of Nias culture that still exists is the Stone Jumping, or locally called Fahombe. Nias Island Situated 125 km west coast of Sumatra mainland. Fahombe performed in the meaning of proving the readiness of man taking wife. The man should jump over a two meters high of stone board.

21 Des 2011

Kerimun Jawa Island, Pearl of Java Sea

Karimunjawa is located in the Java Sea +83 kms North of Jepara, Central Java. These islands are designated as KARIMUNJAWA NATIONAL OCEAN PARK in 2001. It is an island-chains with other 27 islands linking in the territory. Only five of them are populated and mostly by local traditional fisherman. In a way, this could show how close the islands to the term of ‘virginal tropical paradise’. There are also 242 species of fish, and 133 kind of aquatic fauna.

20 Des 2011

Lampu Duduk Minimalis

lampu sorot led usb
Tempo hari, saat jalan-jalan di mall saya membeli sebuah lampu sorot led usb dilengkapi penjepit yang bisa diaplikasi kan di layar notebook. Fungsinya untuk menerangi keyboard. Hhhmm... sepertinya ini bisa dipasang pada monitor lcd di rumah. Setelah sampai rumah, ternyata monitor lcd di rumah terlalu tebal, hingga penjepitnya nggak muat.... yah.... nggak bisa kepakek, dong.... bagaimana akal...??

18 Des 2011

Sempu Island, Natural Preservation and Beach Adventure

Sempu island has a stunning natural charm. Far from the noise, the atmosphere is natural, beautiful and none of the building that stood on this island like a place of lodging, restaurants and so forth. There are more than 80 species of protected birds and other animals like wild boar, deer, or Javan langurs. If lucky you may have found footprints of a leopard. Geographically, Sempu Island lies between 112 ° 40 '45 "- 112 ° 42' 45" longitude and 8 ° 27 '24 "- 8 ° 24' 54" latitude. A total of approximately 877 hectares, bordering the Sempu Strait (Sendang Biru) and the Indian Ocean on the south, east and west side.